SYMPOH - A BBoy/BGirl Community
Current and former members of Sympoh together after the 2016 spring show Ice Breakers! Sympoh Communiversity Spring 2015
We had a great time having our final battle of Civil Wars 4 at the Communiversity celebration.
Some of our members like living on the edge. Freezes in front of the fountain
Prior to Lawnparties, Sympoh enjoyed morning brunch together, and then took pictures in front of the Woody Woo fountain. The Crew at the BBoyQ
A group photo at our annual end of the year barbecue. Freezes on the Boardwalk
During Spring Break we volunteered at Boys & Girls in Atlatnic City, but during our free time we put on boardwalk shows.
How to Join Sympoh
Becoming a member starts with auditions, which are held in the fall and spring each year. Be on the lookout for Fall auditions!